Acne: How To Fight The Infuriating Battle

What is Acne?

Woman with acne

Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point. It causes spots, oily skin and sometimes skin that’s hot or painful to touch.

Acne most commonly affects people on the face but can also affect people on the back and chest. Acne can appear in different ways, but mostly they come out in different kinds of spots on the face.

What are the causes?

One of the key culprits behind acne is sebum, the oily substance produced by our sebaceous glands. When our glands go into overdrive, they produce an excess amount of sebum, leading to an oilier complexion. This excess sebum, combined with dead skin cells and bacteria, forms a perfect storm within our hair follicles. Clogging them and causing those pesky pimples and blackheads to appear.

Hormones also play a significant role in acne development. During adolescence, hormonal changes trigger an increase in sebum production, making teenage years notorious for breakouts. However, hormones can continue to influence our skin throughout adulthood, particularly during menstrual cycles or hormonal imbalances, leading to recurring bouts of acne.

But it’s not just our internal factors that contribute to acne. External factors such as genetics, certain medications, stress, and even our diet can all impact the health of our skin.

Boy with Acne

How do I prevent acne?

Fruit bowl

Healthy Balanced Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet not only keeps your body healthy but can also work wonders for your skin, helping to prevent acne breakouts.

By including nutrient-rich foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your meals, you’re giving your skin the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it needs to stay in top shape.

So, make your plate colourful, varied, and skin-friendly to enjoy the benefits of a balanced diet.

Don’t Stress

Stress can have a big impact on our skin, and it can make acne worse too. When we’re stressed, our bodies release hormones that make our skin produce more oil. This can clog our pores and cause acne breakouts.

Stress also makes existing acne look more red and swollen because it increases inflammation in our bodies. When we’re stressed for a long time, our skin’s natural defenses can become weaker, making it easier for acne-causing bacteria to cause problems.

Stress can also make us do things that make acne worse, like touching or picking at our skin. To help prevent stress-related acne, it’s important to find ways to relax and manage stress, like taking breaks, exercising, getting enough sleep, and taking care of ourselves.

Stressed woman
Man cleansing face

Cleanse, but don’t over cleanse.

Cleansing your skin is crucial in preventing acne because it helps remove impurities and excess oil that can clog your pores and contribute to breakouts.

By regularly washing your face with a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type, you can effectively eliminate dirt, bacteria, and dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface. This helps reduce the risk of pore blockages, inflammation, and the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

However, it’s important to strike a balance and not over-cleanse or use harsh products, as this can disrupt the skin’s natural balance and potentially worsen acne. By maintaining a consistent and gentle cleansing routine, you can keep your skin clean, fresh, and less prone to acne.

How to treat Acne.

Treatment for acne depends on how severe it is and it can take several weeks or even months to clear up acne.

If your acne is severe we would recommend to see a GP for prescription products. However there are many topical treatments, creams and gels which do help with acne.

If your struggling to find out what you may need, have a read of the how Biretix, or Obagi Clenziderm may be the solution for you. Or alternatively, have a chat with one of the skin specialists in the clinic to discuss what may be best for you.

There’s also a range of in-clinic treatments which will help with acne prone skin such as;

IPL laser treatment on face

IPL Laser Treatment

IPL Laser treatment helps acne by targeting and reducing the excess sebum production, killing acne-causing bacteria, and minimizing inflammation, leading to improved skin clarity and a reduction in acne breakouts.

Additionally, IPL stimulates collagen production, helping to diminish the appearance of acne scars and promoting smoother, healthier skin.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels help prevent and improve the appearance of acne by reducing inflammation and promoting skin renewal. The treatment can be tailored to suit each individual and is very effective when used as part of a comprehensive acne management plan.

Chemical Peel

In the battle against acne, persistence, patience, and a comprehensive approach are key. By understanding the underlying causes of acne, adopting a consistent skincare routine, making lifestyle adjustments, and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can empower yourself to fight acne effectively.

Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, so keep fighting, stay resilient, and embrace the journey towards healthier, happier skin.